Monday, January 20, 2025

5. King of the Vagabonds by Colin Dann (re-read)

Got a proper photo this time
Colin Dann has been on the top of my hunting list and my favourite animal adventure author based almost entirely on this single book.  I found it years ago and have been looking for his books with no success since then.  My buddy found two of them recently on a trip to England and that got my daughter and I to choose it as our reading book for bedtimes.  At this point, she is reading more to me than vice versa and I got to sit back and listen to the second half of this book for a second time.  It didn't feel quite as amazing this time, but still very enjoyable and the episode with the bird bone in the throat was as harrowing as ever.  I found the stereotypicallness of the gender roles to be limiting to my now more-woke eyes.  The female characters are limited to mothers, sisters and lovers.  The Pinky character is a manupilatrice. Both my daughter and I were quite disappointed that Sammy ended up with her.

We have since started on In the Grip of Winter, about which I am quite excited.  It is actually a continuing story about the Farthing Wood gang in their new domicile.  Stay tuned!



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