Last Call is a modern occult noir adventure. It takes place in the real world, but one in which not so far underneath the civilian surface, there is a world of powerful magic that is accessed and manipulated by gambling, consumption, drinking and a range of other very creative and bizarre ideas. I am not a big fan of "the occult" in fiction, generally because I find the aesthetic pretty limited. It's usually either brooding goth vampires, fruity new age suckers or post-hippy wiccans in loose fitting natural fibres. Last Call is totally the opposite. The people who practice the magic are criminals, low-lifes, alchoholic losers, the kind of characters you would expect to find in a Charles Willeford or Elmore Leonard book, except really weird. Actually, some of the characters in Carl Hiassen's book, minus the slight humour, would fit well in Tim Powers movies. But these guys are weird! There is an immensely fat man who is obsessed with maintaining the living vitality in his body, so he's constantly eating living things (like getting out of his car to munch an on aloe vera plant in the yard of the person he is spying on) and smearing his obese, tattooed body with ray-ban to keep the energy trapped inside of him. There are characters who have children and raise them just so they can take over their body when they get old. It's weird and dark.
The book opens with a boy who was destined to have his body taken over by his father (his older brother spent most of his time on their roof, acting as eyes for his father), but whose mother saves him at the last minute. We jump forward to the present, where the boy is now grown up and an alchoholic who the more he drinks, the more he is able to bring back a physical manifestation of his wife who died recently. However, crazy stuff starts happening to him and he learns that his father (whom he doesn't know and who is by now a very powerful practitioner) is gathering his magic to call all the bodies he controls (which he "bought" playing a special ancient card game at a certain time and date). After a certain point, the protagonist will lose control over himself and become another empty vessel that his father will use to extend his life. Things are much more complicated than that. There are many other important characters and wrinkles in the story line, but that is the central thread. It's actually quite epic in scale, ultimately, but the whole book is grounded in such a seedy, criminal world that it doesn't have an epic feel at all.
I really enjoyed Last Call. It had an anarchic feel in the pacing and behaviour of the characters. Powers comes up with some pretty amazing ideas and he is willing to push them to extreme ends. It took me a little while to get linked into to what exactly was going, just because there is so much detail to the magic and its effects, but once I got a sense of the structure of the world he is portraying, I really got into it. Cool stuff and I'll be keeping my open for other books by him.
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